Course category: 
Instructor-led course
Course start date: 
2 July, 2018 (All day)
International Labour Organization, ILO
United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF
United Nations Development Programme, UNDP
EU Social Protection Systems Programme, EU-SPS


Information about the BLENDED* run

  • Offering period: July 2 – September 23 (2018)
  • Participants: 27
  • Countries: 4
  • e-facilitators: Getachew Berhanu and Isabela Machado
  • Target group and selection process: The e-TRANSFORM BLENDED run is a partnership with UNICEF Ethiopia to offer this training to its local staff. This version was adapted exclusively for this purpose.

*This run was offered in a blended modality. Online lighter version + face to face moment



The “Leadership & Transformation Curriculum on Building and Managing Social Protection Floors in Africa - (TRANSFORM) is the product of a large-scale collaboration between various institutions, conducted over several years. TRANSFORM has been developed primarily by African experts, to speak more directly to the specific challenges of building and managing social protection floors in Africa. The initiative aims at constant joint development and updating of the material, recognising the importance of growing regional expertise.

TRANSFORM is an inter-agency initiative of United Nations agencies supporting the building of social protection floors in Africa. It is coordinated in Africa by the ILO, UNICEF and UNDP. TRANSFORM has received support from Irish Aid and the European-Union Social Protection Systems Programme funded by the European Union and Finland.

This e-course was an adaption of the TRANSFORM training package and proposed activities from the face-to-face training. The e-course was developed in a linear curriculum, which integrates several content areas, elements and activities.

The online course has lasted for 10 weeks and each of the 10 modules had a specific proposal, as well as a period for completion of 1 week (amounting to 5 hours of activity per week). The first week of the course provided participants with an introduction to the course approach and concepts, and the last week was dedicated to the completion of the final assignment.


What you learned

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Have an overview and enough basic knowledge of Social Protection Floors and drivers of change and leadership requirements to engage in transformation towards national systems of social protection;
  • Have an overview of the following main interconnected areas of Social Protection Frameworks: Selection & Identification, Legal, Administration, Monitoring & Evaluation, Management and Information Systems, Coordination, Governance, and Financing and Financial Information.
  • Understand why and how a Social Protection Floor is beneficial to your specific county context and how it can assist social and economic development.
  • Understand that a social protection system comprises different parts – all of which interact with and affect each other.
  • Understand the need to adapt and tailor a social protection system to each specific country context. Every situation and time is so unique and requires constant adaptation based on practice and experience.
  • Subject choices regarding the design of social protection systems to careful analysis of capacity considerations to address governance and administration gaps.
  • Applying a rights-based approach as a lens by which to develop social protection systems and understand that these approaches go beyond a country’s legal framework, by actually putting citizens at the center of the development of managing and administering social protection systems.