Course category: 
Self-paced course
Germany - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, IPC-IG

ASPects 2: Data and Information


  • The pilot of this course happened from 09 May to 09 June 2022. Since 31 October 2022 the course has been open for enrolment.

Welcome to the second course of the e-learning series on Adaptive Social Protection. This course explores the Building Block 'Data and Information' of the Adaptive Social Protection Framework developed by the World Bank in the paper 'Adaptive Social Protection: Building Resilience to Shocks'. ASP refers to efforts to integrate social protection, disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA), with the main objective of making programmes shock responsive, as well as building up the resilience of poor and vulnerable households to increase their capacity to prepare, cope with, and adapt to shocks.   

Whilst well elaborated conceptual approaches to ASP exist, its practical operationalisation and learnings from the field are still not sufficiently defined, built on, and shared. Social protection practitioners and policymakers, along with coordinating partners from other relevant sectors, e.g., DRM and CCA, could gain from structured learning materials that translate – in an interactive, user-friendly, and evaluative way –, how the ASP approach and its building blocks can be turned into reality. 


The learning objectives of the course are: 

  • Recognise how household risk and vulnerability may be measured and assessed;
  • Recognise the importance of social registries for adaptive social protection (ASP), as well as their integration to early warning and other information systems;
  • Identify the main dimensions of data quality;
  • Identify measures for institutionalising information for ASP.


Course Structure

The course takes between 3 to 6 hours to complete and is structured into four Modules. Each Module has different objectives: 

  • Module 1: Learn about the building block, its key-priorities and the investments it entails.
  • Module 2: Learn about the role of social registries for designing and implementing ASP.
  • Module 3: Learn about  the integration of social registries with different data and information systems when designing and implementing ASP.
  • Module 4: Wrap up some of the main discussions and recommendations on the integration of data and information systems for ASP. 


This course was developed by the team and sponsored by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).