Social Protection and Social Inclusion In Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Synthesis Report (2011)

A series of studies has been completed on social protection and social inclusion in the six Eastern Partnership countries in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) region. The European Commission has published these studies, commissioned from independent reseachers, assessing from an EU social policy perspective the challenges that the three Southern Caucasus countries Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia face in the areas of poverty, social exclusion, pensions and health / long-term care.

The studies aim to provide fact-based policy analyses to all relevant stakeholders in the areas of social policy in the EU, in the Eastern Partnership countries and also to international donors. A Synthesis report for the Southern Caucasus region provides additional comparative insights. Executive summaries of all reports are available in EN, the national laguages and Russian.

This synthesis report draws on the country reports on social protection and social inclusion in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The present study follows the synthesis report and the country reports on social protection and social inclusion in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine and previous studies in candidate and pre-candidate countries.