Thursday, March 7, 2024
The Waai (meaning “awareness” in Arabic) Program is a behavioral awareness and change platform launched in 2020 and a key intervention of the Takaful and Karama Cash Transfer Program (TKP). It aims to reach Egypt’s vulnerable citizens on 12 interlinked...
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The Zambian government wants to reduce poverty by 20% by 2030. To make this happen, the government reformed their national cash transfer programmes. But what was the potential impact? In 2021, our MicroZAMOD team conducted an assessment—recommendations...
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Through supporting the effectiveness of Rwanda’s flagship social protection Vision 2020 Umurenge Program (VUP), the World Bank’s Strengthening Social Protection Project (SSPP) increased the coverage of core safety net programs and promoted...
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
In Mali, the Jigisemejiri Emergency Social Safety Net Program is protecting the poorest and most vulnerable rural households from the impact of economic shocks and other crises. Since the program’s launch in 2013, the Government of Mali, with...
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Africa is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating extreme poverty. While many countries were successful in reducing poverty during the years before the pandemic, its economic disruptions coupled with climate disasters and...
Friday, August 18, 2023
Two women who received World Food Programme school-feeding support as children on their passion for serving WFP as humanitarian workers today. Joyce Namoe, a programme associate with the World Food Programme in Uganda, joined WFP in 1999. She...
Africa, South Sudan, Uganda
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Wednesday, August 9, 2023
In 2020, South Sudan witnessed the first locust invasion in over 70 years. The locusts destroyed crops and grazing land in many parts of the country, significantly affecting the incomes and food security of thousands of people, the majority of whom...
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Meet Abdessalem, Taher, and Marbouka, fishers from Tunisia. Through their voices, discover their work, challenges, and the obstacles they face in accessing social protection. Find out more about FAO's social protection initiative for the fisheries and...
Thursday, May 25, 2023
In fragile and conflict-affected north-eastern Nigeria, social assistance delivery has evolved from a near absence of any form of systematic and organised approach to a promising attempt to coordinate and deliver services to the most vulnerable...
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Conflict and political instability are major drivers of deprivation and displacement across the Horn of Africa. This is exemplified by the unfolding situation in Sudan, where humanitarian need is escalating rapidly as competing factions struggle...