Using social assistance to promote climate resilience [in fragile and conflict contexts] What do we know and what needs to change?
Using social assistance to promote climate resilience [in fragile and conflict contexts] What do we know and what needs to change?
This webinar explored the ways in which climate change will shape both the context and need for shock responsive social protection systems. Drawing on evidence from STAAR and BASIC Research, panellists discussed how climate will affect needs and operational choices, and how these challenges are playing out in different settings – including regions of active conflict - and what this means for future policy and programme design.
This session is about getting the issues on the table, not offering any definitive answers… so come prepared for lively discussion and debate!
Roger Pearson, Social Protection Consultant, STAAR
Anna McCord, Climate Lead, STAAR and Lead, Climate Change and Social Protection Research Initiative
Jeremy Lind, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies and BASIC Research
Daniel Hailu, Social Protection Consultant, STAAR
Moderator: Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Research Fellow, IDS
This is the first webinar of the "Social Protection Approaches in Crisis Series" organised by STAAR and BASIC. The series aim to jointly explore how, why and when to use social protection approaches in contexts of crisis.