SocPro4Fish: Advancing Social Protection in the Fisheries Sector


Around the world, fisheries make crucial contributions to income, livelihoods, economies, nutrition and food security. At the same time, people who work in the fisheries sector face multiple challenges, including poverty, vulnerability, income variability and gender inequality. These challenges limit its resilience to respond to shocks, both covariate and idiosyncratic, and often result in negative coping strategies. The SocPro4Fish project, with the financial support of NORAD, has aimed to address these issues by strengthening the enabling environment, building the evidence base and piloting innovative measures to extend adequate and comprehensive social protection to the fisheries sector. Following the recent completion of the current project, speakers will highlight key achievements, reflect on lessons learned and discuss the way forward for continued progress in social protection for fishers.

This event will provide a platform to reflect on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned of the SocPro4Fish project and explore future directions for social protection in the fishing sector. More specifically, the objectives are to

  • Present the main achievements, challenges and lessons learned of the SocPro4Fish project globally.
  • Highlight national experiences from Colombia, Tunisia, and Paraguay: identifying issues, bridging gaps, and moving forward.
  • Present concrete tools and highlights of findings from the global database of social protection for fisheries
  • Facilitate discussions on innovative and replicable approaches to advancing social protection in the fisheries sector.



Daniela Kalikoski, Fishery Industry Officer, FAO

Alison MacNaughton, Fisheries Social Protection Small-Scale Producers Specialist, FAO

Sebastian Mathew, Executive Director, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Mario Rueda, Fisheries Engineer, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras ‘José Benito Vives de Andréis’ (INVEMAR) - Colombia

Viviana Rios, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Asuncion - Paraguay

Manahel Akkari, National Fisheries and Aquaculture Project Coordinator - Tunisia

Heysel Calderon Gomez, National Fisheries and Aquaculture Project Coordinator - Colombia

Alcira Quintana, National Fisheries and Aquaculture Project Coordinator - Paraguay

Moderator: Daniella Salazar, Social Protection Specialist




Website: Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish) 


Expanding social protection coverage for fishers and fish workers in Tunisia

FAO Support to Strengthen the Fishers' Assistance Programme in Paraguay

Combining safety nets and fishing nets for Colombian fish workers


Social Protection Podcast: Social protection, sustainability and fisheries

Colombia’s sea women net a better social deal


Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies: Diagnostic Tool

Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies: Framework for analysis and action

Socioeconomic impact evaluation of unemployment insurance for small-scale fishers in Brazil (Seguro-Defeso)

Evaluation of the impact of unemployment insurance on the socioeconomic conditions of small-scale fishers

Economic inclusion and social protection to reduce poverty

Social protection in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

Social protection for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean region - Policy Brief

Social protection for fisheries and aquaculture (SOCPRO4FISH): Paraguay

Social protection for fisheries and aquaculture (SOCPRO4FISH): Tunisia

Social protection for fisheries and aquaculture (SOCPRO4FISH): Colombia

Report of the FAO workshop on social protection for the fisheries and aquaculture sector