Measuring gender outcomes in social protection programmes: Why is it important? How best to do it?
Measuring gender outcomes in social protection programmes: Why is it important? How best to do it?
Social protection programmes increasingly mainstream gender in their design, but very few assess gender-related changes through monitoring and evaluation. Gender-sensitive M&E is critical to identify different outcomes of social protection interventions on women and men, determine whether social protection is empowering poor women and how, and re-adjust the programmes accordingly.
Focusing on impact evaluations, this webinar has addressed the following questions:
i. To what extent is gender integrated into the impact evaluations of the existing social protection interventions?
ii. What types of gender outcomes can be measured, and through what type of indicators?
iii. What role can different data collection methodologies play in assessing gender-related changes?
iv. What practical challenges evaluators face in doing such work, and how is evidence used to influence the programming?
These issues were explored through specific case studies from the World Bank’s review of impact evaluations, Juntos cash transfer programme in Peru, and the Red UNIDOS in Colombia.
Elena Bardasi – Senior Economist, The World Bank
Tara Cookson – Director of Ladysmith/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada postdoctoral research fellow
Susana Martinez-Restrepo – Director of Research and Development, CoreWoman
Maja Gavrilovic – Social Protection Specialist, FAO
This webinar was the eighth of the Gender-Sensitive Social Protection Series, which was organized by IPC-IG and FAO. Please join the Gender-Sensitive Social Protection online community if you are interested in following the most recent discussions on the topic.