Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance and Social Protection: Demystifying the entry points for humanitarians


There is a lot of buzz on the need to link humanitarian assistance to social protection (SP) systems.

  • What does this concretely mean for humanitarian actors designing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programmes?
  • How does cash (social transfers/assistance) fit in within broader SP systems?
  • What are the entry points for humanitarians in different contexts and how can linkages be facilitated across the programme cycle?

Watch the recording of the webinar, the first of the Grand Bargain cash workstream series on linking SP with humanitarian cash, to help demystify these concepts and learn from examples of where this is happening in practice.


Valentina Barca, Independent Consultant

Emily Henderson, Humanitarian Advisor and BASIC SRO, Social Protection Team, DFID

Annika Sjoberg, Senior Cash Officer, UNHCR

Nupur Kukrety, Policy Specialist in the Social Policy Section, UNICEF


Zehra Rizvi, Independent Consultant


This webinar is part of the Linking Social Protection with humanitarian cash webinar series, of the Grand Bargain Cash Sub Group on linking social protection and humanitarian cash transfers co-led by UNICEFIFRC and DFID.