How to use ICT for the benefit of Brazilian citizens


The webinar had simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Talking interoperability is a dialogue series being convened by the Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI) to facilitate in-depth technical conversations around designing for interoperability in the social protection sector. By bringing together digital social protection and technology experts from government agencies, software vendors, system integrators and international organizations, it aims to promote peer-based learning and problem solving through:

  • sharing the technical nitty-gritty of how agencies have designed their social protection information systems for interoperability
  • understanding how agencies have tackled the major challenges to interoperability
  • brainstorming potential solutions to remaining bottlenecks

So far, we have had sessions on Karnataka State in India, on Belgium, Turkey, Chile and Cambodia.

The eighth session of the DCI Talking interoperability webinar series discussed the challenges that Brazil faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and what was learned for the future in terms of supporting and developing public policies benefitting Brazilian citizen. The Brazilian state commissioned Dataprev, a fully state-owned company, to find digital solutions for creating more integrated social protection systems, crossing over 24 different databases.


Speaker: Gustavo Canuto, President Dataprev, Brazil

Philippe George Leite, Senior Social Protection Economist, World Bank
Verónica Achá Alvarez, Department Lead on Analysis of Social Information, Ministry of Social Development and Family (Chile)

Moderator: Rodrigo Assumpção, Social Protection Management Information Systems Specialist, ILO


This is the eighth webinar of the "Talking interoperability" dialogue series organised by the Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI). These meetings aim to facilitate in-depth technical conversations around designing for interoperability in the social protection sector. By bringing together digital social protection and technology experts from government agencies, software vendors, system integrators and international organisations, they aim to promote peer-based learning and problem solving.