G2P Payments in COVID-19 context: Key areas of action and experiences from country emergency actions
G2P Payments in COVID-19 context: Key areas of action and experiences from country emergency actions
The lion share of social assistance payments around the world is implemented in the form of monetary transfers. As of March 27, eighty-four countries have reported changes to their social protection systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; fifty-eight countries of these are scaling up cash transfer schemes either by increasing benefit levels, coverage or both. In social protection and emergency programs, G2P are often the main point of contact of programs with recipients.
National payment systems and financial services providers play an important role in delivering payments directly from the government to its residents; governments need to quickly assess their options for sending payments quickly, securely and in ways that protect recipients from contagion. The aim of this webinar was to present key aspects that social protection practitioners need to consider when delivering social protection payments under emergency circumstances learning from applied global experience.
Douglas Randall, Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank
Guillermo Galicia, Consultant, World Bank
Fiorella Risso, Financial Inclusion Analyst, World Bank
Veronica Trujillo, Financial Inclusion Expert, World Bank
Silvia Baur-Yazbeck, Financial Sector Analyst, CGAP
Luz Stella Rodriguez, Social Protection Specialist, World Bank
This was the fourth webinar of the “Social protection responses to COVID-19” webinar series. The series is a joint effort initiated by the IPC-IG, GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Australia Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) collaboration with the socialprotection.org platform, and in cooperation with partners from different organisations. Join our online community ''Social protection responses to COVID-19 [Task force]'' to learn more about the initiative and the future webinars.