What is Social Protection?

Adaptive social protection

"Adaptative social protection was, at the outset, conceptualised as ‘a series of measures which aim to build resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable people to climate change by combining elements of social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change’ (Arnall et al. 2010 cited in World Bank 2018). Since then, it has come to be understood as entailing the need to better adapt social protection to all types of shocks (World Bank 2018)."

Source: European Commission. 2019. "Tools and Methods Series Reference Document No. 26: Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus. A Game Changer in Supporting People through Crises". Tools and methods series, No. 26. European Commission.<https://socialprotection.org/discover/publications/tools-and-methods-series-reference-document-no-26-social-protection-across>. Accessed 06 May 2020.