Lundi, 20 Juin 2015
For homeless families, few reliable options are available for getting off the streets or out of shelters and into homes. But new research by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a message of hope, concluding that housing vouchers...
Vendredi, 17 Juin 2015
La búsqueda de las 1.706 familias afiliadas la inició la Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfama, cuyo objetivo es asignar este semestre subsidios por valor de 21.260 millones de pesos.
Jeudi, 16 Juin 2015
(Reuters) - Brazil's government will add another 3 million homes to its "Minha Casa, Minha Vida" low-income housing program while raising the value of homes eligible for subsidies by "at least 10 or 11 percent," Minister of Cities Gilberto Kassab said.
Mercredi, 15 Juin 2015
Nigeria will stick with costly fuel subsidies for now as new President Muhammadu Buhari says investigating corruption is a bigger priority than scrapping price caps on domestic fuel.
Buhari was advised by his transition committee to end the subsidy...
Lundi, 29 juin 2015
WASHINGTON D.C., June 29, 2015—The World Bank today approved two credits totaling $300 million to rebuild houses in poor, rural areas of Nepal and to provide an injection of cash for the government’s budget to help the country recover from devastating...
Vendredi, 6 Mars 2015
This looks like a very sensible move by India, to trial a change in the way that food subsidies are provided in that country. Currently there’s something of a nightmare system whereby the government buys up grains and pulses at set rates, then...