Jeudi, 15 Août 2024
UNICEF supports Child-Sensitive Social Protection programmes because childhood is a special window of opportunity where we can make a real impact on physical, cognitive, and social development. However, children aren’t the only ones that benefit from...
Dimanche, 30 juin 2024
Cash Plus is a cash transfer modality that pairs unconditional cash transfers with productive inputs, assets and or technical training, aimed at supporting beneficiaries to address immediate needs while engaging in productive activities (FAO, 2023)....
Jeudi, 6 juin 2024
GirlsEmpoweringGirls is the first urban social protection programme in Uganda that seeks to ensure that in- and out-of-school adolescent girls living in Kampala transition safely into adulthood, and are empowered to achieve their goals, while...
Mardi, 4 juin 2024
Over the last two decades most countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region initiated and strengthened social assistance programs, addressing long-standing regional challenges of poverty, inequality, lagging human capital outcomes, and...
Mardi, 28 Mai 2024
The Takaful and Karama (Solidarity and Dignity) Program (TKP) is the largest cash transfer operation in MENA it reached 4.67 million vulnerable households (roughly 17 million individuals) with cash transfers by December 2023, including...
Mardi, 12 Mars 2024
Implemented by the Ethiopia Ministry of Women’s and Social Affairs, the UDS program partners with local NGOs to target the urban destitute—children, women, men, and elderly people who live on the street. The program falls under the umbrella of the World...
Mardi, 5 Mars 2024
Social safety nets, including cash, in-kind, and asset transfers are at the forefront of government efforts to tackle poverty and inequalities—including in response to crises brought on by conflict, climate, and public health emergencies. There are...
Mercredi, 9 Août 2023
In 2020, South Sudan witnessed the first locust invasion in over 70 years. The locusts destroyed crops and grazing land in many parts of the country, significantly affecting the incomes and food security of thousands of people, the majority of whom...
Mercredi, 1 Mars 2023
Crises are gendered. Because women and girls start off at a disadvantage in every society, they often have fewer resources to be able to withstand the impacts of crises and shocks. The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a “big revealer” in this regard. School...
Lundi, 27 juin 2022
Successive crises including COVID-19, climate change, conflicts, and the emerging global food crisis will force 75 to 95 million more people into extreme poverty this year compared to pre-pandemic estimates, according to the World Bank. With 700 million...