Jeudi, 25 Juin 2024
Households that received the transfer were far less likely to go a day without eating, reported higher child food consumption and wellbeing after the floods hit, lost fewer assets, and had better earnings potential post-flooding. And these benefits...
Lundi, 8 Juin 2024
In recent years, South Asia has been beset with an unprecedented combination of negative shocks. In Sri Lanka, an economic crisis on the heels of COVID-19 pushed approximately 3 million people into poverty. In Pakistan, the devastating 2022 floods...
Asie, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Inde, Maldives, Népal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
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Mercredi, 22 Mai 2024
Ensuring the right to social protection is a constitutional obligation in Bangladesh. To fulfil this obligation, the Government of Bangladesh adopted the National Social Security Strategy (NSSS) in 2015, aiming to establish a lifecycle-based...
Vendredi, 13 Mai 2022
Social transfers are increasingly seen within the development industry as the go-to response to poverty, inequality, and economic crises, a trend that has only been reinforced by the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This spread and expansion of...
Afrique, Éthiopie, Ghana, Kénya, Rwanda, Asie, Bangladesh, Népal
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Jeudi, 17 Frévrier 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an estimated 124 million people into extreme poverty globally, the first increase in extreme poverty in 20 years. To meet the magnitude of this need, governments around the world have dramatically ramped up social...
Lundi, 6 Décembre 2021
In this blog, we summarize five studies completed in the last two years that examine impacts of cash, cash-for-work and cash plus programmes on both violent discipline of children and male intimate partner violence against women (IPV) from diverse LMICs...
Afrique, Mali, Rwanda, Amérique, Colombie, Asie, Bangladesh, Philippines
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Vendredi, 3 Décembre 2021
Bangladesh accounts for four percent of stunted children globally which has a major impact on learning outcomes. Poorer households bear a disproportionate share of the burden of stunting and have limited access to early childhood development...
Mardi, 23 Novembre 2021
In the busy streets of Male, the capital of Maldives, Aminath Waheed picks up passengers, blazing a trail as the city’s only female taxi driver. In the hills of Nepal, 30-year-old Madhukala Adhikari works as a mobile mason, helping families rebuild...
Asie, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Inde, Maldives, Népal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
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Mercredi, 10 Novembre 2021
As this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) unfolds, the world is facing coinciding crises. Multiple regions hit their highest-ever recorded surface temperatures this year, tens of millions of people are being displaced by climate-related...
Mercredi, 3 Novembre 2021
Bangladesh has experienced impressive gains in reducing undernutrition over the past two decades. For example, the proportion of stunted children under-5 fell from 43 percent to 31 percent between 2007 and 2018 while the number of wasted...