Mardi, 10 Janvier 2023
osovo has been coping with the diverse ramifications of the pandemic since March 2020. The impact of COVID-19 on poverty in Kosovo has been intense, as the pandemic is still affecting businesses, households, people’s everyday lives and their physical and...
Lundi, 28 juin 2021
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Millions of laborers in the six states of the Western Balkans work in the informal economy without contracts...
Europe, Albanie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Croatie, Kosovo, Macédoine du Nord, Serbie
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Mardi, 11 Août 2020
In Kosovo, despite continued economic growth over the last two decades, the rate of unemployment – along with other labor market indicators - remains the weakest in the Western Balkans region, posing one of the biggest challenges for the country. Less...
Mardi, 31 Décembre 2019
Let us imagine that, after his retirement from active political life in 1890, Otto von Bismarck would have spent the last one hundred and thirty years lecturing and researching on social policy across the world. Most recently, he worked as an unpaid...
Albanie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Kosovo, Macédoine du Nord, Monténégro, Serbie, Europe
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Vendredi, 28 Avril 2017
A new, €20.80 million World Bank loan will help boost rural incomes in Kosovo through investments in the country’s agriculture sector, particularly horticulture and livestock. The loan builds on earlier investments, which have helped train over 2,500...