Onglets principaux

29/03/2016 - 08:00 (Brasília)
Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT, Oxford Policy Management, OPM, Development Pathways
15/03/2016 - 09:00 (GMT-5)
Brazil Learning Initiative for a World Without Poverty, WWP, Global Development Learning Network, GDLN
11/03/2016 - 09:00 (GMT-5)
Brazil Learning Initiative for a World Without Poverty, WWP, Global Development Learning Network, GDLN
10/03/2016 - 11:00 (GMT-3)
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNECLAC, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research), International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, IPC-IG
04/03/2016 - 10:30 (GMT-5)
Inter-American Social Protection Network, IASPN
08/12/2015 - 13:00 (Washington DC)
Brazil Learning Initiative for a World Without Poverty, WWP
25/11/2015 - 15:00 (UTC+1)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO
23/11/2015 - (Jour entier) (Turin, Italy)
International Labour Organization, ILO, International Social Security Association, ISSA
27/10/2015 - 02:00 (Brasilia)
International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, IPC-IG, United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, Development Pathways