Strengthening Social Protection Systems to Manage Disaster and Climate Risk in Asia and Pacific

This report summarizes the knowledge shared and issues raised during a conference convened by the World Bank on the above topic held on November 3-5, 2014 in Manila, the Philippines. Building on earlier conferences on this topic, the conference aimed to raise awareness about, and share good practice on, building a social protection system that integrates disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. It brought together 17 country delegations from Asia and Pacific region comprised of officials from the ministries managing social protection, disaster risk management, and financing and insurance.  As such, it was both cross-global practice and cross-regional in focus. The conference offered a range of learning opportunities, including presentations from technical experts from the World Bank, country case studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America, roundtable discussions, and group work sessions. The conference was conducted in collaboration with the Government of the Philippines and was financed by the Rapid Social Response Fund and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.