
Social Security Protection of Immigrants in Brazil

Objective:The objective of this study is to analyse the social security protection of immigrants in Brazil, focusing on international social security agreements and their effectiveness in ensuring rights comparable to those of Brazilian beneficiaries.

Theoretical Framework:The research is based on concepts of social protection, social security rights, and international treaties, emphasizing the relevance of social security agreements as mechanisms to guarantee equitable rights for migrant workers.

Method:The methodological approach adopted is exploratory and descriptive, comprising a literature review and documentary analysis of international social security agreements and relevant legislation.

Results and Discussion:The results indicate that international agreements play an essential role in the social security protection of immigrants, allowing the totalization of contribution periods and facilitating access to benefits. However, challenges such as legislative harmonization and the simplification of administrative procedures remain, although some agreements satisfactorily address these issues.

Research Implications:This research provides insights into the importance of international cooperation to ensure equitable social security protection, highlighting the need for effective practical implementation of agreements and coordination among signatory countries.

Originality/Value:This study enriches the literature on social security protection by highlighting the effectiveness and challenges of international social security agreements, offering an analysis that can guide policies and practices for the protection of immigrants in Brazil.