Responding to COVID-19 through Social Protection Systems in the Sahel: Towards addressing the socioeconomic impacts of multiple shocks (UNICEF-WFP Joint Project) 2024 Annual Report

WFP and UNICEF jointly implement the ‘Responding to COVID-19 through Social Protection Systems in the Sahel: Towards addressing the socioeconomic impacts of multiple shocks’ project as support to the Governments of Mali, Mauritania, and Niger to respond to the immediate massive needs generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and other shocks through cash transfers and complementary services. The project also works to strengthen overall national capacities to adapt and build more shock-responsive, nutrition- and child-sensitive social protection systems in the long term. The joint project is financed by BMZ through KfW. In December 2023, implementation was extended to Burkina Faso and Chad.

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