Reasons for the operation of the social insurance system, including social insurance in agriculture
Reasons for the operation of the social insurance system, including social insurance in agriculture
The problem of risk in agriculture affects, as in any other activity, many of its areas not only of an economic nature, but also of a social one. At a time of growing social crisis, the search for models for the functioning of the welfare state seems justified. One instrument that mitigates social risks so that they can be incorporated into the normal functioning of societies is social insurance. The purpose of this study was to identify the rationale for constructing universal insurance systems, with a particular focus on social insurance in agriculture. Underlying the design of insurance systems designed for agriculture are socioeconomic reasons (the strategic importance of the agricultural sector to the economy and the preservation of socioenvironmental balance, the high uncertainty and unpredictability of the conduct of agricultural activities, and the large fluctuations in income), as well as political reasons, as explained by public choice theory.