Operationalising the HDP Nexus in WFP Western Africa: Case Study - Chad
Operationalising the HDP Nexus in WFP Western Africa: Case Study - Chad
This document outlines the key findings of a case study conducted on Chad, designed to identify Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDP Nexus) emergent and good practices. In 2023 and 2024, WFP’s Regional Bureau in Dakar undertook a learning exercise to collate detailed and current information on how WFP country offices in Western Africa design and implement complementary, context specific, and agile HDP Nexus approaches. The goal is to inform and build WFP’s evidence and advocacy with the latest practices from the field. This document outlines the key findings from Chad. It was produced based on face-to-face interviews conducted in N’Djamena with WFP staff and other external HDP Nexus stakeholders, virtual focus groups with WFP sub-offices, and desk review of WFP and partner documents.