Mid-Term Review of the Malawi National Social Support Programme II 2018-2021 (Policy Brief)
Mid-Term Review of the Malawi National Social Support Programme II 2018-2021 (Policy Brief)
Poverty and vulnerability are widespread in Malawi and many people need social support and protection to help them meet their basic needs, and to overcome their exposure to risks. The Malawi National Social Support Programme II (MNSSP II), adopted in 2018, reflects the Government of Malawi’s commitment towards reducing poverty and vulnerability for its population. Building on the MNSSP I and guided by the 2012 National Social Support Policy (currently under review), the MNSSP II seeks to streamline and strengthen the existing system of social support with a view to achieving better results.
In 2021, the MNSSP II passed its halfway point and therefore the Government of Malawi (GoM) commissioned a mid-term review (MTR) to analyse the scope of the intermediate results and to determine the degree of achievement for each strategic action defined in the Implementation Plan for the MNSSP II. In so doing the MTR proposes both strategic and operational recommendations to accelerate the achievement of programme results by 2023, and to prepare for the design of the MNSSP III.
This policy brief shares a summary of the conclusions and recommendations extracted from the MTR of the MNSSP II with an aim to inform policy responses by decision-makers in Malawi’s social protection sector.