Mid-Term Review of the Malawi National Social Support Programme II 2018-2021 (Final Report)

This Mid-Term Review (MTR) has been conducted just after the midpoint of the Malawi National Social Support Programme (MNSSP) II implementation, which began in 2018 and which will end in 2023. MNSSP II marked a departure from the structure of the previous MNSSP with the adoption of thematic pillars, an ambition towards addressing fragmented delivery and laying the foundations for a fully integrated social protection system. The design was based on the record of achievement of the first MNSSP and the conduct of an comprehensive participatory review process. MNSSP II ambitions are by any standards challenging, calling for a broad level of collective action among many sector stakeholders, demanding strong leadership from the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development and a readiness of all sector stakeholders, to engage readily in this endeavour.
It has had to assure delivery of existing programmes while investing in system development. It has also required a commitment to strengthen human and institutional capabilities to be able to do things differently as well as to mobilise the necessary financial resources to establish and sustain the envisioned social protection system.
This ambitious agenda has had to contend with the COVID 19 pandemic, which in Malawi, as elsewhere, has impacted the functioning of government and the international cooperation community and on the availability of funding. The pandemic has moreover introduced new demands and challenges requiring the reprioritisation of some activities and the introduction of some unforeseen interventions.