IOM Cash-based Interventions - Annual Report and Case Studies 2021

In 2021, IOM continued to expand and systematize its use of CBI modalities to empower aid recipients and strengthen the resilience of affected populations. Throughout the year, IOM implemented cash and voucher assistance in 119 countries, reaching close to 1.9 million people, which is a 17 per cent increase from 2020 and a 162 per cent increase from 2018. In terms of the total number of aid recipients, the largest programmes took place in Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Yemen, the Syrian Arab Republic (cross-border response in the northwest) and Iraq.

The IOM CBI Annual Report and Case Studies 2021 highlights the increasing use of cash and voucher assistance in IOM and efforts to build capacity and knowledge on CBI within the organization. The report also features case studies from more than 30 IOM missions where CBI modalities were used to implement multipurpose cash assistance projects as well as a broad range of other IOM activities, including livelihoods support, shelter and return and reintegration assistance.