Impacts of the Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme in Burkina Faso
Impacts of the Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme in Burkina Faso
The Burkina Faso Child-Sensitive Social Protection Programme (CSSPP) was a pilot initiative implemented from June 2020 and April 2023 in the regions of Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-North, East, and North. The CSSPP provided an unconditional cash transfer of FCFA 16,000 (approximately USD 30) per month to eligible households complemented with Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) as well as nutrition services. The midline study aimed to assess the short-term impacts of the programme on household poverty, food security, and economic activities. As part of the research agenda on Gender-Responsive and Age-Sensitive Social Protection (GRASSP), the midline study specifically examined gender dynamics within the households and communities, analysing the programme’s gendered impacts on time use, schooling, and women’s participation in decision-making. Additionally, the report compared impacts across the different treatment arms of the programmes and considered the moderating role of contextual factors such as gender norms and the structure of households (monogamous versus polygamous). The findings highlight unexpected gendered labour allocation dynamics within the households, positive schooling outcomes for girls, women’s agency and participation in decision-making. These findings offer valuable insights into the CSSPP’s effectiveness and its role in promoting gender-responsive and age-sensitive social protection in Burkina Faso.