
Impact Assessment of CFPR/TUP: A Descriptive Analysis Based on 2002-2005 Panel Data

BRAC CFPR/TUP programme was designed specifically for the ultra poor consisting of multiple components to support them in various areas and aims to enhance opportunities for them. This paper looks at the overall effectiveness of the CFPR/TUP programme using 2002 baseline survey and 2005 repeat survey. Sustainable livelihood framework has been used as an analytical guide for inter-connecting the several programme components to livelihood improvement. Difference-in-difference method is used to estimate program effects. This report substantiates the fact that the programme has contributed significantly in improving the lives of the ultra poor and helping them help themselves. Specifically, the findings show that the intervention significantly increased per capita income, food security, asset accumulation (productive asset and savings), access to land market, borrowing etc of the participant households after two three years of program supports.