Gendered risks, poverty and vulnerability in Indonesia
Gendered risks, poverty and vulnerability in Indonesia
Case study of the Raskin food subsidy programme in Indonesia
This case study was undertaken as part of a research project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) (2008-2010) and the Australian Government, (AusAID, under the Australian Development Research Awards 2008) (2008-2011), looking at gender and social protection effectiveness in Latin America, Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
This report investigates gender dimensions of risks and the extent to which such risks are addressed in Indonesia's social protection policy. It is structured around the following four areas: understanding the diversity of gendered economic and social risks; a gender analysis of social protection policy and design; effects of social protection on gender equality, food security and poverty/vulnerability reduction at the community, household and individual level; and implications for future policy and programming to improve social protection effectiveness.
The report focuses on the Raskin food subsidy programme in Indonesia.