Evaluation of FCDO’s COVID-19 Cash Transfer in Kenya (Volume II)
Evaluation of FCDO’s COVID-19 Cash Transfer in Kenya (Volume II)
The present Volume II contains the technical annexes to the endline evaluation report. The remainder of Volume II is structured as follows: Annex A presents the detailed research questions. Annex B presents details of the quantitative survey design and implementation. Annex D provides technical details on the estimation of the Household Food Insecurity Scale. Annex E provides technical details of our approach to impact estimation. Annex F presents the qualitative approach as well as details related to fieldwork implementation and analysis. Annex G presents the approach to the process review. Annex H provides further details on Give Directly’s approach to conducting due diligence for partner organisations. Annex I provides a full list of NGO partners and the corresponding beneficiary numbers. Finally, Annex J provides full statistical tables for data collected through the quantitative survey at baseline, midline and endline.