Decentralized Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers Pilot in Liberia in 2021
Decentralized Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers Pilot in Liberia in 2021
These terms of reference are for the evaluation of Cash-Based Transfer (CBT) pilot program in Liberia. The decentralized evaluation takes place at the end of the intervention, two years after the implementation of the CBT pilot intervention. This pilot intervention was adopted to serve 25 percent of those who receive school feeding through Take Home Rations (THRs) and targeted the households of children going to schools in the Nimba and Maryland counties, during the academic year of 2020- 2021. The evaluation will thus cover both counties and will cover the period from January 2021 , when CBT pilot activities started, up to the evaluation data collection phase, expected to take place in October 2023. This evaluation is commissioned by WFP Liberia.