Climate-adaptive capacities and livelihood strategies under a prolonged drought: Baseline findings and policy implications for community-based support in Isiolo, Kenya

The “Building back better and greener: Integrated approaches for an inclusive and green COVID-19 recovery in rural spaces” project aims to: (a) build the capacity of key stakeholders in the provision of advisory and extension services; (b) integrate social protection interventions with complementary services on climate-adaptive agriculture and sustainable livestock management; and (c) generate evidence through an impact evaluation (a clustered randomized control trial) on the effectiveness of climate-adaptive agricultural training intervention and disbursement of enterprise grants in enhancing rural incomes, food security, and resilience in the face of persistent climate shocks.

This impact evaluation provides information regarding evaluation design of the project as well as the baseline survey instrument. Furthermore, it provides details regarding the baseline data collected, conducts balance tests associated with randomization, and provides policy relevant analysis of the baseline.