Addressing gender inequalities to build resilience – Stocktaking of good practices in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Strategic Objective 5
Addressing gender inequalities to build resilience – Stocktaking of good practices in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Strategic Objective 5
Risings, conflicts and disasters around the world, and the negative impacts on lives and properties, are drawing attention to the need to increase the resilience of vulnerable rural communities and their livelihood sources from agriculture and rural areas. Protection from sexual and gender-based violence is also an area of work that merits special attention particularly in areas of protracted crises.
This report documents some good practices and lessons learned from around the world with a specific focus on emergency and humanitarian situations. It highlights a few successful FAO’s interventions on resilience building and gender mainstreaming.
The information in this report can be used as good practices that can help increase resilience of livelihoods in a gender-equitable manner. They can also be used for advocacy, to engage policymakers and practitioners to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in resilience and humanitarian.