Pakistan Federally Administered Tribal Areas, FATA, Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project
Informations de base
Institutions et organismes impliqués
Type de programme
Groupe de population
Children, Refugees
Détails du programme
Objectifs du programme
FATA Temporarily Displaced Persons – Emergency Recovery Project (TDP-ERP)” to strengthen the recovery efforts of the government for all recently affected areas of FATA (including North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Khyber, Kurram and Orakzai agencies). The mechanism aims to provide the Livelihood Support and Child Wellness grants through a systematic identification of TDPs and population within the affected areas.
The Project Development Objective is to supportFor instance, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province, the objective is the early recovery of families affected by the militancy crisis, promote child health, and enhance citizen-centered service delivery in selected districts.
(i) World Bank. 2023. Disclosable Version of the ISR - FATA Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project - P154278 - Sequence No : 17. <> Accessed 16 October 2023
(ii) Government of Pakistan. (n.d.). Fata TDP (ERP). FATA TDP ERP. Accessed at: <> Accessed 27 March 2024.
Composantes du programme
Component (i): Early Recovery Package (ERP) for Temporary Displaced Persons (TDP), which includes Component (i.a), the Early Recovered Grant (ERG), to assist TDPs to settle after returning and offset their transportation costs; and Component (i.b), the Livelihood Support Grant (LSG), a subsistence support while livelihoods are reestablished.
Component (ii): Child Wellness Grant (CWG).
(i) World Bank. 2020. Project Information Document-Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet - FATA Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project Third Additional Financing - P173062 (English). <> Accessed 26 October 2023.
(ii) World Bank. 2023. Disclosable Version of the ISR - FATA Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project - P154278 - Sequence No : 17. <> Accessed 16 October 2023
Conditionnalités (le cas échéant)
For the Child Wellness Grant (CWG): Mandatory attendance of the parents (or mother) in the Child Wellness Awareness session in Citizen Facilitation Centers (CFC) that provide messages on nutrition, hygiene, and immunization. The CFC also makes available services for immunization, growth monitoring of the children, and referral of complicated cases which families can voluntarily take up.
(i) Beneficiary families of Early Recovery Grant (ERG), as of August 2023 – 213,819
(ii) Beneficiary families of Livelihood Support Grant (LSG), as of August 2023 – 406,299
(iii) Beneficiary families of Child Wellness Grant (CWG), as of August 2023 – 1,367,299
Dépenses du programme
With the additional grant financing of US$ 12 million provided by the World Bank in 2021, total cost of this project amounts to US$ 216 million.
Ciblage et éligibilité
Méthodes de ciblage
Régions ciblées
The region formerly known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which was merged to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province in 2018. Five tribal districts are targeted, namely North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Orakzai, Kurram, and Kyber.
Groupes cibles
Temporarily Displaced Persons (TDP) and children aged 0-2. The Child Wellness Grant (CWG) is provided for both TDP and non-TDP families.
Critère d'éligibilité
Component (i) Early Recovery Package (ERP):
All registered temporarily displaced persons (TDP) families from the five targeted tribal districts, namely North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Orakzai, Kurram, and Kyber, are eligible for the Emergency Recovery Grant (ERG), irrespective of their destination. The beneficiary should be the member of family (unique within family) belonging to and having both temporary and permanent addresses on the Computerized National identity Card (CNIC) from the affected area of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
Component (ii) Child Wellness Grant (CWG):
The CWG shall be provided to beneficiaries have children under the age of 2 years; for both temporarily displaced persons (TDP) families and those non -TDPs with both addresses on CNIC from affected area.
Couverture et autres informations
Montant des bénéfices
1. The Early Recovery Grant (ERG) of one-time PKR 35,000 per family;
2. The Livelihood Support Grant (LSG) of PKR 4,000 per family in four equal monthly instalments;
3. The Child Wellness Grant (CWG) of PKR 2,500 per visit provided in five equal instalments (a top-up for LSG receivers with under 2-years-old children)
Fréquence de paiement/livraison
(i) Emergency Recovery Grant (ERG): one-time transfer;
(ii) Livelihood Support Grant (LSG): paid in four monthly installments;
(iii) Child Wellness Grant (CWG): paid in five installments..
Mécanisme de versement des bénéfices
One-stop-shops (OSSs)/Citizen Facilitation Centers (CFCs)currently established in 5 merged area districts.
Bénéficiaires de prestations
Mécanismes et fréquence de suivi et évaluation
Project activities are monitored on an ongoing basis. The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) will be in charge of planning and executing the Monitoring and Evaluation of the project. The key indicators and intermediate outcome indicators will be collected and reported in regular monitoring reports and quarterly progress reports. To monitor the progress of each component over the life of the project, NADRA will develop and maintain administrative indicators and reports accessible through the program MIS. An independent firm conducts spot checks and process evaluation.
The Component (iii) (of World Bank´s project), named Strengthening Program Management and Oversight, includes technical assistance for MIS development. The key responsibilities of the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) include the development and maintenance of the project MIS. The One-stop shops and Citizen Facilitation Centers are equipped with MIS based grievance redress module managed by NADRA and the Department of Health.