Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal
Informations de base
Type de programme
Groupe de population
Children, Persons with disabilities, Poor households, Women
Détails du programme
Objectifs du programme
Financial assistance to the destitute, widows, orphans, invalids, infirm and other needy persons with emphasis on rehabilitation. Educational assistance to needy orphan and stipends for the outstanding, non-affording students for higher professional education. Residential accommodation and necessary facilities for the deserving. Free medical treatment for indigent sick people, set up free hospitals and rehabilitation centres for the poor. Financial aid to charitable institutions including educational & vocational setups. Sponsor and promote self-employment schemes. Any other purpose approved by the Board.
Government of Pakistan. “Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
Composantes du programme
The programme provides general social support services as well as the following components:
i.Individual Financial Assistance;
ii.Women Empowerment Centres
iii.Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour;
iv.Special Friends of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal;
v.Shelter Home;
vi.Pakistan Thalassaemia Centre;
vii.Old Home
Date de début
Government of Pakistan. “Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
Conditionnalités (le cas échéant)
For the Child Support Programme, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour, and Women Empowerment Centers components: school attendance
In 2021-22 fiscal year:
(i) Medical Assistance: 13,719
(ii) Educational scholarship: 5,769
(iii) Educational Stipend: 18,375
(iv) Special Friends: 5,068
(v) Women Empowerment Centre: Presently 12,377 trainees are benefiting from training in these schools, whereas 277,238 trainees have been passed out.
(i) Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Women Empowerment Center”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 17 May 2023.
(ii) Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal. n.d. PAKISTAN BAIT-UL-MAL PROJECTS Accessible at: <>. Accessed 18 October 2023
Dépenses du programme
Rs. 7,675 million to Pakistan Baitul-Mal (2023-2024)
Ciblage et éligibilité
Méthodes de ciblage
Means Test
Proxy Means Test
Categorical Targeting
Régions ciblées
Groupes cibles
Poor people, orphans, people living with disabilities, widows, women, and children
Government of Pakistan. “Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
Critère d'éligibilité
i.Individual Financial Assistance (IFA), following order of priority:
- All poor suffering misery and unable to overcome circumstances within available resources;
- The victims of sudden fall in economic status due to unpredictable circumstances;
- People suffering with severe physical or mental disability and unable to earn a livelihood;
- Widows or divorced/separated women with liability to raise their children with no source or regular source of income;
- An invalid or infirm person secluded from family or deprived of relatives and having no source of income;
- Monthly income not more than Rs.30,000/- .
ii.Sweet Home:
- Orphans between 4 to 6 years of age.
iii.Women Empowerment Center (WEC):
- Widows with dependent children;
- Orphans;
- Destitute;
- Poor women;
- Involvement of local public representative.
iv.School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour:
- Children involved in hazardous labour;
- Children up to the age of 8 to 14.
v.Old Home:
- Shelter less, invalid, deprived, and abandoned senior citizens of Pakistan, above 60 years of age.
vi.Special Friends of PBM:
- People living with medically certified disabilities.
vii.Shelter Home:
- Citizens of Pakistan urban/rural houseless, faraway from homes, unemployed, laborers, daily wagers, poor and transit passengers, attendents of the patients, students etc.
Couverture et autres informations
Type de bénéfices
Cash, assistive devices, training, services
Montant des bénéfices
i.Individual Financial Assistance (IFA-from 2010):
- Medical treatment with financial Assistance up to Rs. 600,000, which include medication, surgery and treatment of disability.
- Education: Stipend to purchase uniform, books and stationary. Payment of full fee for post matric strudents (maximum to Rs. 100,000), including boarding fee.
- Financial assistance for rehabilitation.
- IFA General: Financial assistance maximum to Rs. 60,000/- (2010).
ii.Thalassaemia Centre:
- Medical service: Blood transfusions, iron chelation, Ferritin tests, LFT/RFT tests.
iii.Sweet Home:
- Free services: Accommodation, meals, education, school supplies, clothing, laundry services;
- Medical care;
- Prayer room/religious education and counseling/legal aid for victims of violence and abuse.
iv.Women Empowerment Center (WEC):
- Daily stipend @ Rs. 50/- on attendance basis is paid to each trainee;
- Raw material.
v.School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour:
- Free primary education and school supplies;
- Daily stipend of Rs. 10/- to the children;
- Monthly subsistence allowance @ Rs. 300/- to the parents;
- Rs. 4100 per annum to further education of the passed out students.
vi.Old Home:
- Free facilities, such as accommodation, clothing, and medical care;
vii.Special Friends of PBM:
- Provision of wheel chairs, hearing aids, white canes, artificial limbs;
- Financial assistance of Rs. 30,000/- per annum to families with one person with disability and of Rs. 60,000/- per annum to families with two or more persons living with disability, throughout the life of the person living with disability.
viii.Shelter Home:
- Facilities such as free accommodation, medical care through the nearest public hospital, water, sanitation and hygiene, daily meals, and transport.
i.Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Individual Financial Assistance”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
ii.Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Women Empowerment Center”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
iii.Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Pakistan Baiit-ul-Mal School for Rehabilitation of Child Labour”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Child Support Programme”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
iv.Government of Pakistan. n.d. “Special Friends of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal”. Government of Pakistan website. <>. Accessed 18 Oct 2023.
Fréquence de paiement/livraison
Daily, monthly or one-time payments/deliveries. Throughout the life of the person with disability in regards to Special Friends of PBM.
Bénéficiaires de prestations
The poor, widows, orphans, and disabled persons, child labourers, women, children in need, people with disabilities.
Durée minimale et maximale des prestations (le cas échéant)
Individual Financial Assistance (IFA): individuals can apply once a year. For general financial assistance categories other than the widow grant, infirm and disabled people can apply only twice in their lifetime
Mécanismes et fréquence de suivi et évaluation
Statuary audit by Auditor General of Pakistan, third party audit by Chartered Accountant Firms, and external auditors.
Legal Framework
The Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal ACT 1991