En el presente documento se abordan las medidas de protección social no contributiva de emergencia anunciadas en los países de América Latina y el Caribe en 2020 y 2021 como respuesta a la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19). La rápida reacción...
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Central Asian countries are emerging economies in a region wracked by earthquakes and flooding, and their populations require scalable and adaptable social protection measures to protect lives and livelihoods. Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) combines social...
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This Brief forms a contribution to the European Commission Guidance Package on Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (SPaN), complementing Operational Notes 9 and 10 on Fragility and Forced Displacement. The study draws primarily on...
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This report, prepared by Development Analytics, presents findings from an evaluative learning study for phase three of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme in Türkiye. The study aimed to provide a detailed analysis of refugees' livelihoods and...
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The Government of Angola and its Development Partners developed and implemented Apoio à Protecção Social - APROSOC (‘Strengthening and expanding social protection to the vulnerable population in Angola’) between 2014 and 2022 as a first step towards...
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The Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Project was carried out in Jonglei and the Unity States of South Sudan from January to December 2023, implemented through a consortium consisting of Action Against Hunger, International Rescue Committee and Save...
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