Onglets principaux


ALNAP is a unique system-wide network dedicated to improving humanitarian performance through increased learning and accountability.

Why was ALNAP formed?

The Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) was established in 1997, as a mechanism to provide a forum on learning, accountability and performance issues for the humanitarian sector, following the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda (JEEAR). The JEEAR is the most comprehensive system-wide evaluation of an international response to a humanitarian crisis to date. It led to demands for increased professionalisation of the humanitarian sector. Consequently, several initiatives were developed during the same few years to improve the performance of the humanitarian sector. These include The Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, the Sphere Project, the Humanitarian Ombudsman Project (which became HAP International) and People In Aid.

How is ALNAP structured?

ALNAP consists of Members and subscribers. We are governed by a Steering Committee representing the membership, and serviced by a small secretariat. The ALNAP Membership is designed to reflect the structure of the humanitarian sector through its six different membership groupings: donor organisations UN agencies independent academic organisations and experts Red Cross/Red Crescent movement non-governmental organisations private sector Most Members are organisations and nominate a representative to be the contact between the organisation and ALNAP. The full membership also includes a number of independent experts. Subscribers are individuals or organisations demonstrating an interest in issues of accountability, quality and learning in the humanitarian sector. They receive regular updates on ALNAP's work, and other relevant notices circulated by ALNAP members. A limited number of subscribers are also entitled to attend the first day of ALNAP Annual Meetings. ALNAP's activities are managed and implemented through the ALNAP Secretariat, which is hosted by the Overseas Development Institute in London.