Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter!
This month we relaunched our platform! We have a new look, new features, and updates to our existing features! This includes a new layout, an improved global search, an FAQs page, a new Social Space feature, as well as updated Online Community features. 

Join us for exciting upcoming events this month, including a
webinar and a livestream! We are also inviting applications to the 6th session of the socialprotection.org UNV Ambassadors Programme!
Watch this video to find out about our updates and new features!
Upcoming Livestreams
Side event at the 57th Session of the UN Commission for Social Protection
The Government of Finland AU | OSAA | UNDESA
14 February
New York (13:15 - 14:30 GMT-5)
Livestream recordings
Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030
OECD Development Centre | Global coalition for social protection floors
5 February
International Conference on Universal Child 

6 - 8 February

Upcoming Webinars
Realising rights: how can social protection advance gender equality?

19 February
13:00 - 14:30 GMT

Register now
Human(itarian) capital? Lessons on better connecting humanitarian assistance and social protection
WFP |  World Bank Group Social Protection & Jobs Global Practice
Programme Profiles
The recently launched report, 'Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific: Inventory of Non-Contributory Programmes’ (2019), mapped 215 programmes from 30 countries. 141 programmes have been converted into individual programme profiles on socialprotection.org!
Delivering social protection to pastoral communities in Ethiopia 
by Nicole Kenton (21 January 2019)
This blog explores social protection in contexts of environmental shocks and crisis, while catering to nomadic communities whose livelihood is based on traditional herding practices.
Social assistance boosts household purchasing power
Indonesia (8 February 2019)

Finnish basic income trial: Creates happiness, but not jobs
Finland (8 February 2019)
Featured Online Community
Connect with 64 fellow members of the Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) Online Community and start sharing content, access the latest publications on the topic, and engage in discussions!
Upcoming Events
Inclusive Social Protection Systems in sub-Saharan Africa: A regional experts meeting
19-20 February (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
The sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women
11 - 22 March (New York, United States)
UN Women
Save the Children
Program Manager for OFDA/FFP Project | Apply until 27 February
Arauca, Colombia
Team Leader, Expert in Social Protection | Apply until 14 March
Apply to the socialprotection.org Ambassadors Programme