
"A term developed by Amartya Sen that refers to the means which enable people to function. The term distinguishes intrinsic and instrumental capabilities - income, education, health, human rights, civil rights, etc. (Gordon and Spicker, 1999: 22)". Source : Chronic Poverty Research Centre. 2009. "The Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09: Escaping Poverty Traps". Chronic Poverty Research Centre. < . Accessed 23 October 2020.

Capability deprivation

"Poverty defined in relation to the failure to achieve basic capabilities such as being adequately nourished, leading a healthy life or taking part in the life of the community. The emphasis on capabilities shifts focus away from moneybased measures such as income or expenditure onto the kind of life the individual can live". Source : Chronic Poverty Research Centre. 2009. "The Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09: Escaping Poverty Traps". Chronic Poverty Research Centre. <

Capacity building

“Capacity-building is defined as the "process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world." An essential ingredient in capacity-building is transformation that is generated and sustained over time from within; transformation of this kind goes beyond performing tasks to changing mindsets and attitudes”. Source : United Nations. n.d. “Capacity-building”. UN...

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)

"CVA refers to all programs where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are directly provided to recipients. In the context of humanitarian assistance, the term is used to refer to the provision of cash transfers or vouchers given to individuals, household or community recipients; not to governments or other state actors. This excludes remittances and microfinance in humanitarian interventions (although microfinance and money transfer institutions may be used for the actual delivery...

Cash for Assets (CFA)

"Cash payments provided to participants for taking part in projects to create community or public assets, such as irrigation systems, roads etc. This is a form of conditional transfer and a sub-set of Cash for Work relating to those work programs which create assets". Source : Cash Learning Partnership. n.d. "Glossary of terms". CaLP. <> . Accessed 23 October 2020.

Cash for Work (CW)

"Cash transfers distributed to vulnerable individuals or households in exchange for labour.” Source: Barrientos, A. et al. 2007 . " Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database - Version 3.0". The University of Manchester Overseas Development Institute. < >. Accessed 13 May 2020.

Cash Plus

"Cash Plus refers to complementary programming where cash transfers are combined with other modalities or activities. Complementary interventions may be implemented by the same agency/agencies providing cash transfers, or potentially by other agencies working in collaboration. Examples might include provision of training and/or livelihood inputs, or behavioural change communication programmes." Source: European Commission. 2019. " Tools and Methods Series Reference Document No. 26: Social...

Cash transfers

“Cash transfers are direct, regular and predictable non-contributory cash payments that help poor and vulnerable households to raise and smooth incomes. The term encompasses a range of instruments (e.g. social pensions, child grants or public works programmes) and a spectrum of design, implementation and financing options.” See also: Social Assistance Source: Arnold, C. et al . 2011. "Cash Transfers Literature Review". Policy Division , April 2011. Department for International Development (DFID...

Categorical targeting (targeting method)

“Categorical targeting consists in selecting individuals belonging to a certain category of people using observable characteristics that do not require the collection of a large amount of data.” Source: Cirillo, C., Györi, M., Veras Soares, F. (2017). ‘ Targeting Social Protection and Agricultural Interventions – The potential for synergies ’, IPC-IG Working Paper, October 2017.


"(...) a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier". Source : United Nations. 1990. "The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child". United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. <> . Accessed 23 October 2020.