"A person living in absolute poverty is not able to satisfy his or her minimum requirements for food, clothing or shelter. The dollar a day poverty line is accepted internationally as an absolute poverty line." Source : Chronic Poverty Research Centre. 2008. "The Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09: Escaping Poverty Traps". Chronic Poverty Research Centre. < http://www.chronicpoverty.org/uploads/publication_files/CPR2_ReportFull.pdf >. Accessed 23 October 2020.
"This concept has three parts: resources, access, and control. The first, resources, refers to means and goods, including economic (household income) or productive means (land, equipment, tools, work, credit); political means (capability for leadership, information and organization); and time. Access and control have slightly different meanings. Access refers to the ability to use and benefit from specific resources (material, financial, human, social, political, etc.) whereas control over...
“Active Labour Market Policies are a general denomination for specific policies that could be broadly grouped into four big policy clusters – vocational training, assistance in the job search process, wage subsidies or public works programmes, and support to micro-entrepreneurs or independent workers. Governments allocate significant fiscal resources to ALMPs (…) to reduce unemployment levels, increase labour income and facilitate the adoption of new technologies that boost productivity”...
"ALMPs are designed to increase opportunities for those seeking employment and increase human capital through training of the labour force. These policies differ from what can be called "passive" labour market policies, such as unemployment insurances, as they do not simply aim to support an individual to endure an unemployment period and help them to find a new job because they are entitled to the benefit. ALMPs ask for specific behaviours from the beneficiary, constituting a relation that is...
"Adaptation is a means of responding to the impacts of climate change. Primarily it aims to moderate the impacts, as well as take advantage, of new opportunities or to cope with the consequences of new conditions (McCarthy et al., 2001) . The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) distinguishes two types of adaptation. Anticipatory adaptation (or proactive adaptation) is adaptation that takes place before climate change impacts are observed. Reactive adaptation is adaptation that...
"Adaptative social protection was, at the outset, conceptualised as ‘a series of measures which aim to build resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable people to climate change by combining elements of social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change’ (Arnall et al. 2010 cited in World Bank 2018). Since then, it has come to be understood as entailing the need to better adapt social protection to all types of shocks (World Bank 2018)." Source: European Commission. 2019. " Tools...
"Costs related to the administration of a social protection scheme, including targeting processes (if any), enrolments, premium collection, claims processing, monitoring, and evaluation". Source : International Labour Organization. 2013. "Social protection assessment based national dialogue: A good practices guide". ILO. < https://www.social-protection.org/gimi/gess/RessourcePDF.action?ressourc... . Accessed 23 October 2020.
"The second decade of life, from the ages of 10- 19. Young adolescence is the age of 10-14 and late adolescence age 15-19. This period between childhood and adulthood is a pivotal opportunity to consolidate any loss/gain made in early childhood. All too often adolescents - especially girls - are endangered by violence, limited by a lack of quality education and unable to access critical health services.i UNICEF focuses on helping adolescents navigate risks and vulnerabilities and take advantage...
"Phenomenon in which persons with a greater-than-average risk, enrol in an insurance scheme, in a higher proportion than that of their share in the target population, and/or choose the highest levels of coverage. When individuals have no say about whether to be insured or at what level of coverage, adverse selection does not exist. Such is the case when membership is automatic and schemes offer a single level of coverage. The existence of adverse selection may jeopardize a scheme’s financial...
"Agricultural inputs such as seeds, tools and fertilizers support agricultural production and productivity, addressing food security challenges." Source: Konandreas, P. 2010. 'Promoting agricultural inputs under the Food Aid Convention to increase food production in emergency-prone developing countries'. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. < http://www.fao.org/3/a-bl128e.pdf> . Accessed 26 August 2020.