
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA): CRS Report for Congress

Disaster UnemploymentAssistance (DUA) is available only to those individualswho have become unemployed as a direct result of a declared major disaster. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Relief Act (the Stafford Act) authorizes the President to issue a major disaster declaration after state and local government resources have been overwhelmed by a natural catastrophe or, “regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion in any part of the United States” (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)). Based upon the request of the Governor, the President may declare that a major disaster exists and define those areas in the state that are eligible for assistance. The declaration of a major disaster provides the full range of disaster assistance available under the Stafford Act, including, but not limited to, the repair, replacement or reconstruction of public and non-profit facilities; cash grants for personal needs of victims; and unemployment assistance related to the disaster.