Digitalization: Flexible Systems-Effective Responses? Regional Evaluation of WFP’s contribution to Shock-Responsive Social Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean (2015-2022)

The present case study was conducted as a part of the Regional Evaluation of World Food Programme’s (WFP) Contribution to Shock-Responsive Social Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). At the onset of the evaluation, the evaluation team identified that digitalization and WFP’s collaboration with governments in this topic as innovative given its importance for making social protection systems more responsive. Building on this insight, the evaluation team analysed relevant data collected during the evaluation process.1 Three additional interviews were subsequently conducted with individuals exclusively involved in this domain from the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (RBP). Furthermore, a review of relevant literature was carried out, alongside a region-wide survey. This survey encompassed a question about digitalization, which garnered responses from 71 participants from 20 LAC countries.