Capacity strengthening and learning plan for Cash and Voucher Assistance in Iraq
Capacity strengthening and learning plan for Cash and Voucher Assistance in Iraq
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a modality widely used in Iraq since the beginning of the humanitarian response in 2014. Over the past years, technical components and operational approaches have been developed and there is a large number of actors using CVA. However, in the current context of transitioning to sustainable solutions and development, there are particular topics of interest that organizations would like to build their capacities or to learn more about it. Also, there is a number of organizations recently using CVA and interested in increasing their skills.
The Iraq Cash Forum (ICF) has identified capacity strengthening and learning needs among its members through an online survey circulated to all of them. This survey serves as the base to design the capacity strengthening and learning plan for 2023, which includes orientation sessions, webinars, formal training and learning events.
This document outlines the main findings of the survey, highlighting the main priorities, and includes a tentative plan for the delivery of specific sessions