Analysis of the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery for persons with disabilities

This analytical report examines the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery for persons with disabilities. Produced by The National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, the report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current mid-term and long-term state programs in social protection and labour systems, focusing on the employability of persons with disabilities. It highlights the legislative and policy frameworks, the application of integrated case management (ICM) in Uzbekistan, and promising international practices from Lithuania, Kosovo, Armenia, and Malta. The report identifies key challenges, such as the lack of coordination between social and employment services, and proposes four key intervention areas: targeted employment programs, comprehensive and well-coordinated programs, partnership between actors, and ICM for persons with disabilities. The findings and recommendations aim to assist the government of Uzbekistan in adopting integrated approaches to improve the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market and society.