The 2024 Pension Adequacy Report: Current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU - Volume I

The report’s main focus is on old-age pension systems. It looks primarily at statutory pensions, incorporating the adequacy contribution of supplementary pensions where relevant. The report also looks at the role of survivors’ pensions in providing adequate old-age income for surviving spouses. In the context of its analysis of income inequalities and redistribution mechanisms, the report also considers minimum income provision for older people and how taxation affects income distribution in old age. Given the importance of services in ensuring decent living standards and improving well-being in old age, the report explores in particular the interaction between pensions and LTC services. When analysing the developments in pension systems and their impact on adequacy, the report zooms in on the reforms adopted by the Member States since the situation described in the previous PAR (i.e. those adopted between 1 July 2020 and 1 July 2023), while also touching upon the key policy debates and the draft measures that are still in the pipeline. At the same time, the report takes stock of longer-term trends, in particular developments over the last decade. In its analysis, the report refers to the population aged 65 or over (65+) as a general proxy for older people, and the population aged 55-64 as a proxy for potential older workers. The situation of other age groups, such as those aged 75 or over (75+), is also analysed where relevant. Finally, the current edition of the PAR now includes Norway (NO), in addition to the 27 Member States of the EU.