Girls Education and Women Empowerment and Livelihoods, GEWEL
Información básica
Instituciones y agencias involucradas
Tipo de programa
Grupo de población
Children, Women, Girls, Mother, Pregnant, Lactating women
Detalles del programa
Objetivos del Programa
It aims to support the Government of Zambia to increase access to livelihood support to women and access to secondary education to disadvantaged girls in selected districts.
Componentes del programa
(i) Nutrition-Sensitive Social Cash Transfer (SCT): With a focus on the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, this component will aim to improve the nutrition outcomes of the Social Cash Transfer (SCT) households with pregnant and lactating women and girls
and/or children under the age of two through a holistic approach, looking at both demand and supply sides of
nutrition service provision. It also provides scaling up in
response to climate and other shocks
(ii) Keeping Girls in School and Beyond (KGS): Looking at adolescent years, this component will scale up KGS
nationally through the provision of financial assistance to eligible adolescent girls from SCT households for associated education costs. Efforts will also be given to support KGS girls to access employment and livelihoods
opportunities through enhanced transition from secondary school to work or to tertiary education.
(iii) Supporting Women’s Livelihoods for Climate Smart Productive Inclusion (SWL): With the goal towards improving productivity and economic welfare in adulthood, this component will scale up SWL nationally, expanding to urban
areas in response to rising urban poverty in Zambia. Poor women from SCT households will be given productivity
grants as seed capital, with options for additional sources of financing explored, coupled with life and business
and digital literacy skills training and mentorship, as well as facilitated formation into savings groups. Particular
attention will be given to enhancing resilience to climate-induced shocks, while supporting them to adapt more
climate-adaptive livelihoods activities. Concerted focus will also be on ensuring value chain linkages and access to
markets by SWL beneficiaries to be able to sustainably expand their businesses.
Fecha de inicio
By 2024:
(i): SCT: The SCT has been scaled up to a little over 1.3 million households nationwide by 2023
(ii) KGS: 148,616 girls in secondary schools across 65 districts
(iii) SWL: 139,351 poor rural women in 81 districts have been supported with a livelihood package, with an additional 4,000 women
expected to be reached by project closure, resulting in total beneficiaries supported to be above the end-project target of 129,400
Gastos del Programa
Total project cost: USD157 million
(i): SCT: USD80 million
(ii) KGS: USD35 million
(iii) SWL: USD35 million
Orientación y elegibilidad
Métodos de focalización
Proxy Means Test
Categorical Targeting
Geographical Targeting
Área focal (áreas de intervensión)
(i) SCT: The SCT component is nationwide but the nutrition component is piloted in some districts.
(ii) KGS: Nationwide
Grupos destinatarios
Poor and vulnerable households (SCT households) include adult female members, those with children below two years of age, those with girls attending secondary school, and those affected by climate change.
Criterios de elegibilidad
Beneficiaries will be selected from the SCT database (Please see the eligibility criteria of social cash transfer programme in Zambia) in the selected Community Welfare Assistant Committees
(CWACs). Only households receiving the Social Cash Transfer are eligible. This list will be validated through
a Self-Registration process and Community Validation. If the number of households selected for the SWL program is more than the allocation of beneficiaries, a
lottery will be conducted to select the required number of beneficiaries in a given CWAC.
Cobertura y otras informaciones
Tipos de beneficios
Importe de los beneficios
(i) SCT (please see the social cash transfer in Zambia)
(ii) KGS: Tuition fees for secondary school
(iii) SWL: (a) a productivity grant of US$225 equivalent to serve as seed capital, with options for additional financing from the CDF and other microfinance entities to be explored; (b) training and mentorship on life and business skills (LBS), with an explicit focus on digital literacy and climate resilience and adaptation for diversification of livelihoods away from climate-harmful activities; (c) additional training on climate-smart agriculture practices to support sustainable pathways out of poverty for vulnerable women, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA); and (d) support on savings groups formation, with digitization of savings groups scaled up to promote financial inclusion and options for using these groups as a platform for providing nutrition training explored.
Pagos/Frecuencia de la distribución
Mecanismos de distribución de los beneficios
A Payment Service Provider (PSP) of
the beneficiary’s choice