Última actualización: 06/2/2024

Información básica

Grupo de población
Children, Poor households

Detalles del programa

Objetivos del Programa



Provide a social protection system through regular and predictable cash transfers to families living with OVCs [orphans or vulnerable children] in order to encourage fostering and retention of OVCs within their families and communities, and to promote their human capital development. 



Ward, P. et al. 2010. Cash Transfer Programme For Orphans And Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC), Kenya: Operational And Impact Evaluation, 2007–2009. Final Report. Oxford Policy Management. Accessible : https://www.opml.co.uk/files/Publications/6020-cash-transfer-OVC-kenya/opm-ct-ovc-evaluation-report-july2010-final-kenya-2010-019.pdf?noredirect=1 Accessed: 06/11/2023
Componentes del programa
Unconditional cash transfer
Carolyn Huang, Kavita Singh, Sudhanshu Handa, Carolyn Halpern, Audrey Pettifor, Harsha Thirumurthy, Investments in children’s health and the Kenyan cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children: evidence from an unconditional cash transfer scheme, Health Policy and Planning, Volume 32, Issue 7, September 2017, Pages 943–955, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czw181 Accessed 14 November 2023
Fecha de inicio
National Social Protection Secretariat website. Available at https://www.socialprotection.or.ke/social-protection-components/social-assistance/national-safety-net-program/cash-transfer-for-orphans-and-vulnerable-children-ct-ovc. Accessed 25 February 2023
Condicionalidades (si existen)
The, CT-OVC is an unconditional cash transfer , and thus imposes no conditions for households receiving benefits, although at time of enrolment, beneficiaries are told that they were expected to use the money for the care and development of the OVC resident in the household
Handa S, Peterman A, Huang C, Halpern C, Pettifor A, Thirumurthy H. 2015. Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on early pregnancy and marriage of adolescent girls. Soc Sci Med. Sep; 141:36-45. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.024. Accessed 13 November 2023
353,000 beneficiaries (2018/2019)
Government of Kenya. 2020. Kenya Social Protection Sector Annual Report 2018/19. Available at https://www.socialprotection.go.ke/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Kenya-Social-Protection-Sector-Annual-Report-2020-1.pdf   Accessed 16 November 2023.
Gastos del Programa
Almost 8,000 million KSh (fiscal year 2018)
Government of Kenya. 2020. Kenya Social Protection Sector Annual Report 2018/19. Available at: https://www.socialprotection.go.ke/sites/default/files/Downloads/Kenya-Social-Protection-Sector-Annual-Report-2020-1.pdf Accessed 01 November 2022.

Orientación y elegibilidad

Métodos de focalización
Means Test
Categorical Targeting
Community-Based Targeting
Huang,C; Singh, K; et al. 2023. "Investments in children’s health and the Kenyan cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children: evidence from an unconditional cash transfer scheme". Health Policy and Planning, Volume 32, Issue 7 Accessed on 01 November 2022.
Área focal (áreas de intervensión)
Geographical targeting was determined by the Government of Kenya at the district level, with selection based on relative poverty and HIV prevalence.
 Handa S, Peterman A, Huang C, Halpern C, Pettifor A, Thirumurthy H. 2015. Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on early pregnancy and marriage of adolescent girls. Soc Sci Med. 2015 Sep;141:36-45. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.024. Accessed 16 November 2023
Grupos destinatarios
 Orphans and other vulnerable children
 Alex Hurrel et al. 2008. KENYA OVC-CT PROGRAMME OPERATIONAL AND IMPACT EVALUATION:Baseline Survey Report. Oxford Policy Management. Available at: https://www.opml.co.uk/files/Publications/6020-cash-transfer-OVC-kenya/kenya-ovc-ct-programme-operational-and-impact-evaluation-0.pdf?noredirect=1 accessed 6/11/2023.
Criterios de elegibilidad
1) the presence of at least one orphan or vulnerable child (OVC) under the age of 18 with at least one deceased parent, or whose parent or main caregiver is chronically ill; 2) being ultra-poor, defined as belonging to the lowest expenditure quintile; 3) household must not be enrolled in other CT Programmes
UNICEF (2016). "Cash Transfers Improve the Mental Health and Well-being of Youth: Evidence from the Kenyan Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children". Available at: https://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/801-cash-transfers-improve-the-mental-health-and-well-being-of-youth-evidence-from-the.html Accessed on 01 November 2022.
Reevaluación de la elegibilidad (si existe)
A beneficiary may voluntarily exit or be made to exit the CT programmes under the following circumstances/conditions: 1) Where the economic condition of the household is considered to have improved; 2) When a household voluntarily chooses to withdraw from the programme; 3) When it is discovered that a beneficiary gave false information to get into the programme; 4) Failure to collect payment for three consecutive payments with no valid explanation; 5) When the beneficiary moves from the location where they were receiving the payment to a location that is not covered by the programme they are in; 6) When the beneficiary dies, in which case, the household continues to receive the cash for the next three payments ONLY, after which they are required to exit the programme.( this in particular applies to OPCT and PWSD); 7) When a household is no longer taking care of an orphan or vulnerable child under the age of 18 years ( in the case of CT-OVC)
National Social Protection Secretariat website. n.d. Accessed in 01 November 2022. Available at:https://www.socialprotection.or.ke/social-protection-components/social-assistance/national-safety-net-program/cash-transfer-for-orphans-and-vulnerable-children-ct-ovc accessed 6/11/2023 Accessed in 01 November 2022.

Cobertura y otras informaciones

Tipos de beneficios
Amanda Glassman et al. 2016. Kenya’s Social Cash Transfer. In Ngozi Bill,Jimmy, Stefano (eds), Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health. Center for Global Development. Available at: http://millionssaved.cgdev.org/case-studies/kenyas-social-cash-transfer-program accessed on 06/11/2023 Accessed 16 November 2023
Importe de los beneficios
The level of the transfer was to Ksh 2000 per household in the 2011–2012 fiscal year, which is equal to approximately 20 per cent of monthly household expenditure.
Sudhanshu Handa et al. 2016. Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on early pregnancy and marriage of adolescent girls. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4659857/ accessed on 6/11/2023. Accessed 16 November 2023.
Pagos/Frecuencia de la distribución
National Social Protection Secretariat website. n.d. Accessed in 01 November 2022. Available athttps://www.socialprotection.or.ke/social-protection-components/social-assistance/national-safety-net-program/cash-transfer-for-orphans-and-vulnerable-children-ct-ovc. Accessed 06/11/2023.
Mecanismos de distribución de los beneficios
The benefits are paid through the Kenya Commercial Bank and Equity Bank and its Agents.
National Social Protection Secretariat website. n.d. Accessed in 01 November 2022. Available athttps://www.socialprotection.or.ke/social-protection-components/social-assistance/national-safety-net-program/cash-transfer-for-orphans-and-vulnerable-children-ct-ovc. Accessed 06/11/2023.
Mecanismos y frecuencia de monitoreo y evaluación
Since the National Safety Net Programme (NSNP) was created in 2013, considerable progress has been made towards achieving the objectives and key indicators of the programme. With regard to M&E, the four cash transfer programmes have all begun to report on the common indicators as set out in the NSNP monitoring framework. Furthermore, each programme now has a functioning MIS that is able to record and report on all pertinent program-related information. Additionally, there are several monitoring and evaluation activities that have taken place by external independent firms or are currently underway to collect additional information on the progress that the NSNP has been making towards achieving its objectives.
Ministry of Labour and East African Affairs. 2016. Inua Jamii Towards a More Effective National Safety Net for Kenya: Progress Report. National Safety Net Program.p.29. available at: https://nsps.socialprotection.go.ke/images/downloads/NSNP-Progress-Report_March_2016.pdf. Accessed 18/12/2023.
Legal Framework
Kenya´s Social Assistance Act 24 of 2013.
 The programme´s MIS contains a registration module for both targeting and enrollment that contains beneficiary data. The MIS also has a payment module to make post-payroll checks and reconciliations more efficient, accurate, and timely. In addition, each MIS has a change management module that can produce beneficiary lists that identify households that no longer meet the eligibility criteria. The MISs also contain modules for registering complaints and grievances, and, as mentioned previously, they are currently being decentralized to the county level to improve the management of incoming data from the local level. Additionally, each MIS is able to support M&E by being able to produce reports on any data of interest. Finally, the programme MISs are able to link to and provide information to the common Single Registry.
Ministry of Labour and East African Affairs. 2016. Inua Jamii Towards a More Effective National Safety Net for Kenya: Progress Report. National Safety Net Program.p.15. available at: https://nsps.socialprotection.go.ke/images/downloads/NSNP-Progress-Report_March_2016.pdf. Accessed 18/12/2023