This report provides a quantification of the households vulnerable to falling into poverty as the result of a shock, as well as a qualitative analysis of the level of adaptability of the current social protection system in Zambia. The analysis is based on the...
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The UN Joint Programme on Social Protection was designed to provide technical assistance to different line ministries in implementing the policy so as to ensure effective delivery of social protection programmes in Zambia. The participating institutions of...
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The Zambian Government is committed to reducing poverty and vulnerability among its population in general and for the poor and vulnerable segments of society in particular. Recognizing that vulnerability and the lack of resilience result from, cause and...
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This policy brief provides a summary of the main impacts generated by Zambia’s Child Grant Programme during the first four years of implementation (2010-2014). The brief provides information about the programme, study design, areas of effects, and areas where...
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This policy brief provides a summary of the main impacts generated by Zambia’s Multiple Categorical Targeting Grant during the first three years of implementation (2011-2014). The brief provides information about the programme, study design, areas of effects...
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The social protection component of the Zambia Green Jobs Programme aims to strengthening a social protection floor for vulnerable workers and families in the construction sector. This report is a brief outlining the approach methodology, and results obtained...
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