Coordination between social protection and rural productive development programmes can help poor and at-risk households escape the poverty trap and break its intergenerational transmission. This has been demonstrated by four studies carried out in Colombia,...
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Coordination between social protection and rural productive development programmes can help poor and at-risk households escape the poverty trap and break its intergenerational transmission. They also contribute to increasing the resilience capacity of...
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This document provides a brief analysis of the results obtained from the evaluation of synergies and complementarities between the Familias en su Tierra (FEST) programme (rural productive development) and the Estrategia UNIDOS (social protection) in Colombia.
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In what follows a summary is presented of the results of the impact evaluation of the Land Restitution Unit’s (URT) Programa Proyectos Productivos (PPP). This summary includes both quantitative and qualitative components, as well as an institutional analysis...
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This document presents a summary of the results of the evaluation of synergies and complementarities between the Familias En Su Tierra (FEST) programme and the Estrategia UNIDOS Programme, as a result of a quantitative and qualitative impact evaluation, along...
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