WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief (November 2016)


  • Emergency response to the victims of cyclone Roanu, using the Government’s social safety net ‘Divineguma’ for cash-based transfers for the first time, successfully concluded.
  • Lessons learnt workshop was conducted to pave the way forward for a joint potential agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and WFP on implementing strengthened emergency response, using cash-based transfers through the Government’s safety net programme.

WFP Assistance

The objective of the Country Programme (CP) is to transition towards providing a more holistic support to the government’s efforts to address hunger and malnutrition and build resilience to climate-related shocks. The CP is implemented in partnership with government ministries, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

The CP aligns with the Government’s commitment to achieve SDG 2 ‘Zero Hunger’ and the UN Development Assistance Framework cycle 2013-2017.