
Social protection programmes supporting women survivors of domestic violence

This rapid review presents lessons learnt from social protection/cash transfer programmes which target women survivors of domestic/family violence. As a result of the impact of domestic violence, women survivors of violence often require the support of social protection programmes. This is because domestic violence compromises their personal security; household security; their ability to be gainfully employed; and household income/productivity (Bhatla et al, 2006, p. 4). It also increases their risk of destitution and decreases their access and participation in development programmes (Bhatla et al, 2006, p.4). Few cash transfer programmes appear to specifically target women survivors of domestic violence. As a result this paper takes a broad understanding of social protection. This draws on the transformative social protection framework, which adds transformative measures to protection, prevention and promotion measures (Fonteneau et al, 2014, p. 12). Protective social protection measures include cash transfers and social services like shelters for survivors of domestic violence and the provision of health and legal aid. These types of programmes tend to be responsive.