The single registry as a tool for the coordination of social policies

This paper reviews and discusses the potential of the Brazilian federal government's Single Registry for Social Programmes (Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais) as a tool for the coordination of social policies. The paper consists of four sections. The introductory section describes the trajectory of the Single Registry since its inception in 2001 and offers concepts to help categorise the over 30 user programmes that leverage its database and implementation network. Subsequently, a review is made of the extent to which the inclusion of new programmes in the Registry (i.e. in addition to the Bolsa Família programme) brings new challenges and affects various aspects of its management. In the third section, the Single Registry is placed (in terms of its management and objectives) within the typology developed by Barca and Chirchir (2014). The fourth and final section summarises the main challenges faced by the Single Registry and envisages possible strategic roles it may play in the current scenario.

This publication was produced under the Brazil & Africa: fighting poverty and empowering women via South-South Cooperation project.